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How to SVN merge trunk into a branch (SVN 1.6) using Tortoise SVN

I created a branch and then made changes to trunk which need merging into the branch. TortoiseSVN has a nice handy merge branch->trunk utility, but to do it this way round do I have to manually merge specific revision ranges?

like image 937
Mr. Boy Avatar asked Mar 04 '10 00:03

Mr. Boy

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Examples. Merge a branch back into the trunk (assuming that you have an up-to-date working copy of the trunk): $ svn merge --reintegrate \ http://svn.example.com/repos/calc/branches/my-calc-branch --- Merging differences between repository URLs into '. ': U button.

1 Answers

Bringing a branch up to date with trunk is usually very simple with SVN 1.6. This version keeps track of the specific trunk revisions already in the branch and knows how to only merge in the revisions you don't have in the branch. TortoiseSVN takes full advantage of SVN's merge tracking feature.

When merging new trunk changes into a branch, choose the "Merge a range of revisions" option. Leaving the revision range entry blank will cause Tortoise to merge all new changes from trunk without you having to figure out what revisions those are.

Here is the TortoiseSVN documentation on merge tracking.

like image 90
ChrisH Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 23:09
