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Removing carriage returns in Mysql DB


I'm trying to replace junk in my DB:

UPDATE xxxxxx set body = replace(body,'<p></p><p>','<p>')

Some tags are not getting replaced because there are line breaks between them...

In phpmyadmin I see this:

yadda yadda<p></p>
<p>yadda yadda

This didn't work..

UPDATE xxxxxx set body = replace(body,'\\r\\n','');
UPDATE xxxxxx set body = replace(body,'\\r','');
UPDATE xxxxxx set body = replace(body,'\\r','');


Any ideas?

like image 464
Jay Julian Payne Avatar asked Oct 15 '12 20:10

Jay Julian Payne

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Remove and Replace Carriage Returns and Line Breaks in SQL Using SQL to remove a line feed or carriage return means using the CHAR function. A line feed is CHAR(10); a carriage return is CHAR(13).

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1 Answers

UPDATE xxxxxx set body = replace(body,'\r\n','');
UPDATE xxxxxx set body = replace(body,'\n','');

Try the above.

like image 67
LiamB Avatar answered Mar 01 '23 15:03
