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exporting mysql in mamp-not letting me save file as sql?


This is a weird thing I haven't seen as I'm usually working on a live server. On my MAMP, when I try and export the database, it just opens the file within phpmyadmin-like as a text document. I tried to copy the file to a text document with and gave it a .sql at the end, but that gave me an error when trying to import to the live server. When I try an export from the live server, I get the save location dialog box popping up as normal. What am I missing? Thanks!

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Joel Avatar asked Apr 28 '13 02:04


People also ask

Can you save a database from MySQL?

You can export a MySQL database to a file by using phpMyAdmin or the mysqldump table/database command line program.

1 Answers

It's hard to tell what's wrong with little information. What version of phpMyAdmin are you using?

However when you try to export the database, in the export page you'll have a choice between 'Quick' and 'Custom'. Chose custom and under the 'Output' section you'll see two choices.

  1. Save output to a file
  2. View output as text

Generally 'Save output to a file' is selected by default, but i'm not sure whether something has gone wrong and the other option is selected in your case .

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Madhura Jayaratne Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09

Madhura Jayaratne