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The program file specified in the launch configuration does not exist


I am facing some problems regarding eclipse for c/c++. I am trying to create a new project, I provide the code, and after running the code I get this error:

The program file specified in the launch configuration does not exist
C:\Users\elisabeth\workspace\mm\Debug\mm.exe not found

Please notice that I am working with spice toolkit; I set the path for the "include" files and the libraries, but still I can not have a result.

What causes this error and how can I resolve it?

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user1873644 Avatar asked Dec 03 '12 19:12


People also ask

How do I fix launch configuration in Eclipse?

Simple swith to the "Common" tab in the "Edit Configuration" dialog and click the "Shared file" radio button. Use the default value, which is the project's root folder. This will make a . launch file with the same name as the configuration.

How do I open launch configuration?

Open a Launch Configuration DialogRight-click in the EventFlow Editor canvas for your application. From the context menu, select Run As → Run Configurations. In the Package Explorer, right-click the name of your application's EventFlow or StreamSQL file. From the context menu, select Run As → Run Configurations.

1 Answers

  1. Right click on your project --> Properties
  2. Run/Debug settings
  3. Delete whatever is set as "launch configuration for '........'
  4. Project --> Clean
  5. Project --> Build Project
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Nenad Bulatović Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 22:10

Nenad Bulatović