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Remove the first N rows from each factor level in an r data.frame

With the dat below. How can I make a new dataframe subset that includes all values except the first five rows for each IndID? Said differently I want new data frame with the first 5 rows for each IndID excluded.

dat <- data.frame(IndID = rep(c("AAA", "BBB", "CCC", "DDD"), each  = 10),
                  Number = sample(1:100,40))

I have seen a number of SO posts that select data, but I am not sure how to remove as mentioned above.

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B. Davis Avatar asked Feb 14 '17 23:02

B. Davis

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2 Answers

We can use dplyr's slice() functionality:

dat %>% 
    group_by(IndID) %>% 
like image 131
GGamba Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 00:10


In base R, tapply() is handy when used on a sequence of row numbers with tail().

idx <- unlist(tapply(1:nrow(dat), dat$IndID, tail, -5))
dat[idx, ]

Note that this will be more efficient with use.names=FALSE in unlist().

With data.table, you can do the following with tail().


setDT(dat)[dat[, tail(.I, -5), by=IndID]$V1]
like image 39
Rich Scriven Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 23:10

Rich Scriven