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Remove consecutive duplicates in Julia

I am quite new in Julia and I don't know how to remove consecutive duplicates in an array. For example if you take this array :


I would like to obtain the vector v1 such that:

v1 = [8,9,5,8,1];

Could anyone help me? Many thanks.

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Samy Jelassi Avatar asked Apr 09 '16 13:04

Samy Jelassi

3 Answers

One method could be to define:

function fastuniq(v)
  v1 = Vector{eltype(v)}()
  if length(v)>0
    laste = v[1]
    for e in v
      if e != laste
        laste = e
  return v1

And with this function, you have:

julia> println(fastuniq(v))

But, when dealing with arrays, one need to decide if elements are to be deep or shallow copied. In case of integers, it doesn't matter.

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Dan Getz Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 16:10

Dan Getz

In StatsBase.jl there is an rle function (Run-length encoding) that does exactly this.

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Neal Fultz Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 15:10

Neal Fultz

This is a lot slower than @DanGetz's function but here is a way to do it in one line:

function notsofastunique(v)
  return [v[1]; v[2:end][v[2:end] .!= v[1:end-1]]]


Maybe it's useful for someone looking for a vecotrised solution.

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niczky12 Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 17:10
