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Reliable cube root in Haskell




I am doing question 62 at project euler and came up with the following to test whether a number is cubic:

isInt x = x == fromInteger (round x)
isCube x= isInt $ x**(1/3)

But due to floating point error, it returns incorrect results:

*Main> isCube (384^3)

Is there a way to implement a more reliable cube test?

On a side-note, here is the rest of my solution, which doesn't work because of a type interface error on filter (isCube) (perms n):

cubes = [n^3|n<-[1..]]
perms n = map read $ permutations $ show n :: [Integer]
answer = head [n|n<-cubes,(length $ filter (isCube) (perms n)) == 5]

What do I need to do to fix the error?

No instances for (Floating Integer, RealFrac Integer)
   arising from a use of `isCube' at prob62.hs:10:44-49

Any optimisations are also welcome ;-)

like image 905
Jonno_FTW Avatar asked Dec 02 '09 13:12


3 Answers

Try to avoid using floating point numbers as much as possible, especially when you have a problem which concerns integer values. Floating point numbers have problems with rounding and that certain values (like 1/3) cannot be represented exactly. So it's no surprise that you get mysterious answers.

First of all, in order to fix your type error you have to redefine isCube. If you check it's type signature it looks like this:

isCube :: (RealFrac a, Floating a) => a -> Bool

Note that it expects something that is of class Floating as its first argument. Your problem is that you want to use this function on integer values and integers are not an instance of Floating. You can redefine isCube like this to make the function type check.

isCube x = isInt $ (fromIntegral x) ** (1/3)

However, that will not make your program correct.

One way to make your program more correct is to do what Henrik suggested. It would look like this:

isCube x = (round (fromIntegral x ** (1/3))) ^ 3 == x

Good luck!

like image 105
svenningsson Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 09:11


Don't know much about Haskell, but I would take the cube root, round to the nearerst integer, take the cube, and compare to the original value.

like image 3
Henrik Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 09:11


For another approach useful for Integer values have a look at the integerCubeRoot function in the arithmoi package.


ghci> import Math.NumberTheory.Powers.Cube
ghci> let x = 12345^3333
ghci> length $ show x
ghci> isCube x
ghci> isCube (x+1)
ghci> length $ show $ integerCubeRoot x
like image 1
ErikR Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 10:11
