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reject this binary in new itunes connect UI

With new itunes connect UI, I can't find the "reject this binary" option. I received an error "checksum validation failed" for my upload. Please help me to reject this binary.

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Ravindra M Avatar asked Sep 05 '14 04:09

Ravindra M

3 Answers

I think this is a temporary issue from iTunes connect if you wish to remove you currunt build from App Store that appear as a waiting for review follow the following steps.

with the new iTunes connect you if your app is waiting for Review state you can see this type of information in side your app Details.

enter image description here

When you click on remove this version from review.


When your app is rejected or you are trying to new app upload do following steps:

  • First You have to upload a binary again from Xcode or Application Loader. There is appear you last setup Build with Version number select it and upload again.
  • Then, wait for some processing time and open your iTunes Connect account. You can check your uploaded build in Prerelease tab
  • After processing finish In Build section Click on + button and select a correct binary that you have uploaded and save. Here is actual Guide.
  • After that you may click on Submit for Review Button. And it may take some time for uploading on iTunes again
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Nitin Gohel Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 02:11

Nitin Gohel

Right now the only way I've found is to reject it from the iTunes Connect Mobile application.

EDIT: You will need to change the version number anyway or just the build number.

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cuasijoe Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 01:11


NOTE: This answer pertains to rejecting/replacing a binary on the WEB INTERFACE for iTuens Connect, not the ITC app.

After uploading a new build - with a higher BUILD number [but the same version number] - I figured out that if you mouse-over the icon for your selected build [on the versions tab] you are given a "-" minus sign. When you tap that you can replace the current build with the newer updated build.

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Fluffhead Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 02:11
