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No value was provided for the parameter 'appIdName' when provisioning

I've just enrolled in Apple's iOS Developer Program (account type: Individual).

In my Xcode organizer on my iPhone 4 device I click "Add device to provisioning portal" => Xcode asks my credentials => I enter them => I see "No value was provided for the parameter 'appIdName'." dialog window.

What am I missing?

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Stanislav Pankevich Avatar asked Oct 14 '12 16:10

Stanislav Pankevich

3 Answers

Part of the process in Xcode's automated submitting of certificate requests is that it looks for a "Wildcard" app ID. If you're missing this (for some reason, it's created on some accounts automatically and not created automatically on others?), this automated process will likely fail.

To fix it, try the following:

1) "Revoke" any existing certificates you might have from within the developer portal

2) Create a new "App Id"; title it "Wildcard"; and enter only " * " (without any spaces or quotes) as the suffix.

3) Try the automated certificate request from within Xcode again, and it should now work


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JRG-Developer Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 19:11


I'm getting the same issue in Xcode. I think it's related to the wildcard app ID that Xcode creates for you. There seems to be an issue with that process that then cancels the device addition process that you're trying to complete.

You should still be able to add the device via the iOS Dev Center. Once logged in, go to the Provisioning Portal and you can add the device there.

Not perfect I know, but should allow you to start building apps and testing on your device until the Xcode issue is resolved.

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Ian L Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 18:11

Ian L

You could avoid this problem by making App ID with wild-card id in iOS dev center.

I guess Organizer could not follow the updated policy related to App ID in iOS Dev Center/Provisioning Portal.

App ID with wild-card("*") is seems to be restricted in some function, for example, Push Notification, Game Center. and developer also seems to be required to make sure the security option for the app related to the App ID.

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Passer-by Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 18:11
