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#region in XAML

I actually don't like #region in my code. BUT for some reason call me crazy, I would like to have them in my XAML. I would like whole sections to have a #region-like thing and collapse them (e.g. my <Window.CommandBindings>, <Grid.*Definitions>, <Menu>, <Toolbar>, etc..

Does this exist? If not, how about <RegionCollapse>

like image 951
kenny Avatar asked May 22 '10 13:05


1 Answers

OP NOTE: this was the original right answer and in some ways still is a good and for some best answer including me. BUT this answers the original question best I think.

Visual Studio 2015 finally adds support for regions in XAML. You enclose your regional code like this:

<!--#region RegionName-->  All Your XAML In Here  <!--#endregion--> 

This will add a collapse icon to the left of starting line, using which you can expand/collapse the region.

Don't know how handy this would practically be since we can already collapse/expand any node in XAML editor. It's there anyway if you want to use.

like image 65
dotNET Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 09:10
