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RegEx: Smallest possible match or nongreedy match

How do I tell RegEx (.NET version) to get the smallest valid match instead of the largest?

like image 239
Jonathan Allen Avatar asked Dec 17 '09 07:12

Jonathan Allen

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The regex [0-9] matches single-digit numbers 0 to 9. [1-9][0-9] matches double-digit numbers 10 to 99. Something like ^[2-9][1-6]$ matches 21 or even 96! Any help would be appreciated.

2 Answers

For a regular expression like .* or .+, append a question mark (.*? or .+?) to match as few characters as possible. To optionally match a section (?:blah)? but without matching unless absolutely necessary, use something like (?:blah){0,1}?. For a repeating match (either using {n,} or {n,m} syntax) append a question mark to try to match as few as possible (e.g. {3,}? or {5,7}?).

The documentation on regular expression quantifiers may also be helpful.

like image 115
DMI Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 23:10


The non-greedy operator, ?. Like so:

like image 34
David Hedlund Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 23:10

David Hedlund