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How to compare types




Quick question: how to compare a Type type (pun not intended) with another type in C#? I mean, I've a Type typeField and I want to know if it is System.String, System.DateTime, etc., but typeField.Equals(System.String) doesn't work.

Any clue?

like image 234
Archedius Avatar asked Mar 30 '11 06:03


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The typeof operator in C# will give you a Type object for the named type. Type instances are comparable with the == operator so this is a good method for comparing them.

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To compare object types we need to implement the interface java. lang. Comparable<T> with its single method int compareTo(T) . The result represents the natural order of our type, not just arithmetical comparability.

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Use type() to compare types Call type(obj) to return the type of obj . Use == to compare this type with another.

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Equals() Method. Type. Equals() Method is used to check whether the underlying system type of the current Type is the same as the underlying system type of the specified Object or Type.

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1 Answers

Try the following

typeField == typeof(string) typeField == typeof(DateTime) 

The typeof operator in C# will give you a Type object for the named type. Type instances are comparable with the == operator so this is a good method for comparing them.

Note: If I remember correctly, there are some cases where this breaks down when the types involved are COM interfaces which are embedded into assemblies (via NoPIA). Doesn't sound like this is the case here.

like image 64
JaredPar Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
