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Reflecting Heterogeneous Promoted Types back to Values, Compositionally

I've been playing with -XDataKinds recently, and would like to take a promoted structure build with type families and pull it back down to the value level. I believe this is possible because the compositional components are very simple, and the terminal expressions are just as straight forward.


I would like to demote / reflect simple rose trees of Strings, which become types of kind Tree Symbol (when using GHC.TypeLits.Symbol as a type-level string). Here is my boilerplate code:

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}

import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Proxy

data Tree a = Node a [Tree a]

type TestInput = '[ 'Node "foo" '[ 'Node "bar" '[]
                                 , 'Node "baz" '[]
                  , 'Node "bar" '[]

It's a simple type-level rose forest that looks like this very detailed diagram:

 *-- "foo" -- "bar"
 |         \_ "baz"
  \_ "bar"

Attempted Solution

Ideally, I would like to traverse this structure and give a 1-to-1 mapping back to values of kind *, but it's not very obvious how to do this heterogeneously while still carrying-over the (necessary) instances due to overloading.

vanila on #haskell suggested I use type classes to bind the two worlds, but it seems a bit trickier than I thought. My first attempt tried to encode the contents of a type-level pattern match via an instance head constraint, but my associated type (to encode the *-kinded type result of the mapping) overlapped - apparently instance heads are somewhat ignored by GHC.

Ideally, I would also like the reflection of lists and trees to be generic, which seems to be causing problems - it's like using type classes to organize the type/kind strata.

Here is a non-functional example of what I would like:

class Reflect (a :: k) where
  type Result :: *
  reflect :: Proxy a -> Result

class ReflectEmpty (empty :: [k]) where
  reflectEmpty :: forall q. Proxy empty -> [q]
  reflectEmpty _ = []

instance ReflectEmpty '[] where

instance ReflectEmpty a => Reflect a where
  type Result = forall q. [q]
  reflect = reflectEmpty

-- | The superclass constraint is where we get compositional
class Reflect (x :: k) => ReflectCons (cons :: [x]) where
  reflectCons :: PostReflection x ~ c => Proxy cons -> [c]

instance ( Reflect x
         , ReflectCons xs ) => ReflectCons (x ': xs) where
  reflectCons _ = reflect (Proxy :: Proxy x) :
    reflectCons (Proxy :: Proxy xs)

instance ( Reflect x
         , ReflectEmpty e ) => ReflectCons (x ': e) where
  reflectCons _ = reflect (Proxy :: Proxy x) :
    reflectEmpty (Proxy :: Proxy e)


There are a couple of thing generally wrong about this code. Here is what I see:

  • I need some form of look-ahead to know the result of a higher-kinded reflection for generic type-level list reflection - PostReflection type function
  • I'm needing to create and destroy Proxy's on the fly. I'm not sure if this won't compile currently, but I don't feel confident that the types will unify as I expect them to.

But, this typeclass heirarchy feels like the only way to capture a heterogeneous grammar, so this may still be a start. Any help with this would be tremendous!

like image 920
Athan Clark Avatar asked Jan 19 '15 17:01

Athan Clark

1 Answers

The lazy solution

Install the singletons package:

  TemplateHaskell, DataKinds, PolyKinds, TypeFamilies,
  ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, GADTs #-}

import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Singletons.TH
import Data.Singletons.Prelude
import Data.Proxy

$(singletons [d|
  data Tree a = Node a [Tree a] deriving (Eq, Show)

reflect ::
  forall (a :: k).
  (SingI a, SingKind ('KProxy :: KProxy k)) =>
  Proxy a -> Demote a
reflect _ = fromSing (sing :: Sing a)

-- reflect (Proxy :: Proxy (Node "foo" '[])) == Node "foo" []

And we're done.

Unfortunately, the library is sparsely documented and quite complex too. I advise looking at the project homepage for some additional documentation. I try to explain the basics below.

Sing is the data family that defines the singleton representations. Singletons are structurally the same as the unlifted types, but their values are indexed by the corresponding lifted values. For example, the singleton of data Nat = Z | S Nat would be

data instance Sing (n :: Nat) where
  SZ :: Sing Z
  SS :: Sing n -> Sing (S n)

singletons is the template function that generates the singletons (and it also lifts the derived instances, and can lift functions as well).

SingKind is essentially a kind class which provides us the Demote type and fromSing. Demote gives us the corresponding unlifted type for a lifted value. For example, Demote False is Bool, while Demote "foo" is Symbol. fromSing converts a singleton value to the corresponding unlifted value. So fromSing SZ equals Z.

SingI is a class which reflects the lifted values into singleton values. sing is its method, and sing :: Sing x gives us the singleton value of x. This is almost what we want; to complete the definition of reflect we only need to use fromSing on sing to get the unlifted value.

KProxy is an export of Data.Proxy. It allows us to capture kind variables from the environment and use them inside definitions. Note that any promotable data type of kind (* -> *) can be used in place of KProxy. For details of datatype promotion see this.

Note though that there is a weaker form of dispatching on kinds, which doesn't require KProxy:

type family Demote (a :: k)
type instance Demote (s :: Symbol) = String
type instance Demote (b :: Bool)   = Bool

So far so good, but how do we write the instance for lifted lists?

type instance Demote (xs :: [a]) = [Demote ???] 

Demote a is not allowed, of course, because a is a kind, not a type. So we need KProxy in order to be able to make use of a in the right hand side.

The do-it-yourself solution

This proceeds similarly to the singletons solution, but we deliberately skip the singleton representations and go directly for reflection. This should be somewhat more performant, and we might even learn a bit in the process (I certainly did!).

import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Proxy

data Tree a = Node a [Tree a] deriving (Eq, Show)

We implement the kind dispatch as an open type family, and provide a type synonym for convenience:

type family Demote' (kparam :: KProxy k) :: *  
type Demote (a :: k) = Demote' ('KProxy :: KProxy k)  

The general pattern is that we use 'KProxy :: KProxy k whenever we want to mention a kind k.

type instance Demote' ('KProxy :: KProxy Symbol) = String
type instance Demote' ('KProxy :: KProxy (Tree a)) = Tree (Demote' ('KProxy :: KProxy a))
type instance Demote' ('KProxy :: KProxy [a]) = [Demote' ('KProxy :: KProxy a)]

Doing the reflection is pretty straightforward now:

class Reflect (a :: k) where
  reflect :: Proxy (a :: k) -> Demote a

instance KnownSymbol s => Reflect (s :: Symbol) where
  reflect = symbolVal

instance Reflect ('[] :: [k]) where
  reflect _ = []

instance (Reflect x, Reflect xs) => Reflect (x ': xs) where
  reflect _ = reflect (Proxy :: Proxy x) : reflect (Proxy :: Proxy xs)

instance (Reflect n, Reflect ns) => Reflect (Node n ns) where
  reflect _ = Node (reflect (Proxy :: Proxy n)) (reflect (Proxy :: Proxy ns))
like image 117
András Kovács Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 23:11

András Kovács