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references to Func's of different types

I have a singleton that can register a func to resolve an id value for each type:

public void RegisterType<T>(Func<T, uint> func)

for example:

RegisterType<Post>(p => p.PostId );
RegisterType<Comment>(p => p.CommentId );

and then i want to resolve the id for an object, like these:


where GetObjectId definition is

public uint GetObjectId(object obj)

The question is, how can i store a reference for each func to invoke it lately. The problem is that each func has a different T type, and I can't do something like this:

private Dictionary<Type, Func<object, uint>> _typeMap;

How can resolve it? Expression trees?

regards Ezequiel

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eze1981 Avatar asked Feb 28 '11 14:02


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1 Answers

You don't need Expression Trees to do it the way you are suggesting, just need to nest the function when registering it.

public void RegisterType<T>(Func<T, uint> func){
             _typeMap.Add(typeof(T), obj=>func((T)obj));
like image 173
jbtule Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 22:10
