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Is it possible to get container type in AutoFac

For example, I have registered class C1 with one parameter in constructor of type System.Type. I have another class (C2) with injected parameter of type C1. And I want receive typeof(C2) automatically in C1 constructor. Is it possible in some way?

Example code:

public class C1
  public C1(Type type) {}

  // ...

public class C2
  public C2(C1 c1) {}

  // ...

// Registration
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oryol Avatar asked Jan 23 '11 14:01


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AutoFac is an Inversion of Control container that resolves dependencies of an application. This means that it also is a dependency injection framework.

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1 Answers

This should do it:

builder.RegisterModule(new ExposeRequestorTypeModule());


class ExposeRequestorTypeModule : Autofac.Module
    Parameter _exposeRequestorTypeParameter = new ResolvedParameter(
       (pi, c) => c.IsRegistered(pi.ParameterType),
       (pi, c) => c.Resolve(

    protected override void AttachToComponentRegistration(
            IComponentRegistry registry,
            IComponentRegistration registration)
        registration.Preparing += (s, e) => {
            e.Parameters = new[] { _exposeRequestorTypeParameter }

Any component that takes a System.Type parameter will get the type of the requestor passed to it (if any.) A possible improvement might be to use a NamedParameter rather than TypedParameter to restrict the Type parameters that will be matched to only those with a certain name.

Please let me know if this works, others have asked about the same general task and this would be good to share with them.

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Nicholas Blumhardt Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

Nicholas Blumhardt