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Redux vs services in Angular 2

I want to ensure I have understood Redux right. My understanding is that it will store the complete state of an application (including all subsystems) like models of all components and cache of fetched data and user generated data. Does that mean I should never use service to load/save state of an component by it's model's id?

I'm making an quiz application, which consist of components like Quiz, Category, Question and Choice. Currently each component calls the web API to fetch data and maintains it's own state itself or with the aid of an service which keeps track of everything by id fields.

I have dedicated service called AnswerService to maintain the state of selected choices, where each Choice component fetches it's state when rendered.

Does migrating to Redux means all of this will be moved to store, and virtually all service will be stateless and dispatch directly to store, and respectively all component models are subscribed from store?

like image 854
Tuomas Toivonen Avatar asked Jun 11 '16 18:06

Tuomas Toivonen

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Why Redux is not used in Angular?

Why You Should NOT Use Redux With Angular. While Redux solved a lot of problems with React, it's use case doesn't apply to Angular. React is simply a UI component library. Angular is a highly opinionated framework around dependency injection (DI).

What is the difference between Redux and NgRx?

NgRx, which is the Angular version of Redux for React is for State Management. In React, state management can get complicated, and Redux is there to help. For Angular, this should not be the case as everything is synced due to two way data binding. However, I see a lot of projects using NgRx.

Is RxJS like Redux?

They are very different things. RxJS can be used to do Reactive Programming and is a very thorough library with 250+ operators. And Redux is as described on the github repo "Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps". Redux is just a tool to handle state in apps.

What is Redux and how does it relate to an Angular app?

For Angular, a great state management library is Redux. Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript applications. Redux provides a single application-wide store that is immutable and consistent with the state of the application.

1 Answers

"Does migrating to Redux means all of this will be moved to store"

If you are using ngrx then the best way to handle this would be with ngrx/effects. This is a companion library that is meant to be "the place to put your async code", or in other words the place to do side effects. So when the component wants some new data it would dispatch a "GET_DATA" action and this would be handled as an ngrx @Effect. Inside of your effect is where you can use your custom service to call out and retrieve the data (so your async services are probably fine and may just need to be tweaked a little). Then you effect returns an action containing the new data back to the reducer which updates the state with the new data. Your component was subscribing to store the whole time so when the state is updated by the reducer the component knows about this change and can automatically update it's own local state.

like image 193
Jim Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09
