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Testing if download is successful with supertest

I'm testing my API endpoints with supertest, and it works great, but i can't figure out how to test if a file download is successful.

In my routes file i have defined the endpoint to be:

app.get('/api/attachment/:id/file', attachment.getFile);

and the function getFile() looks something like this:

exports.getFile = function(req, res, next) {
    Attachment.getById(req.params.id, function(err, att) {
        if (att) {
            console.log('File found!');
            return res.download(att.getPath(), att.name);

Then, in my test file, I try the following:

describe('when trying to download file', function() {
    it('should respond with "200 OK"', function(done) {
        .get('/api/attachment/' + attachment._id + '/file');
        .end(function(err, res) {
            if (err) {
                return done(err);
            return done();

I know for sure that the file is found, because it logs out File found!. It also works fine if i try manually, but for some reason, mocha returns Error: expected 200 "OK", got 404 "Not Found".

I've experimented with different mime-types and supertest .set("Accept-Encoding": "*"), but nothing works.

Anyone know how to do this?

like image 629
Martin Hallén Avatar asked Jul 17 '14 12:07

Martin Hallén

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What is SuperTest in API testing?

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1 Answers

Either the problem has been fixed in the libraries, or there is a bug in some other part of your code. Your example runs fine, and gives

  when trying to download file
File found!
     should respond with "200 OK"
like image 123
bolav Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09
