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Redirect to log in page if user is not authenticated with Devise

I'm using Devise with Ruby on Rails.

What is the recommended way to redirect unauthenticated users to the sessions#new page if they attempt to access a page that requires authentication?

Right now I get an error that says no route matches the one they attempt to access (leading to a 404 error in production).

like image 320
Gdeglin Avatar asked May 09 '14 02:05


4 Answers

Just simple add this method to application_controller.rb

  def authenticate_user!
    if user_signed_in?
      redirect_to login_path, :notice => 'if you want to add a notice'
      ## if you want render 404 page
      ## render :file => File.join(Rails.root, 'public/404'), :formats => [:html], :status => 404, :layout => false

And you can call this method on before_filter another controllers you want.

e.g :

class HomesController < ApplicationController
  before_filter :authenticate_user!
  ## if you want spesific action for require authentication
  ## before_filter :authenticate_user!, :only => [:action1, :action2]

Don't forget add login_path into routes.rb

devise_scope :user do
  match '/sign-in' => "devise/sessions#new", :as => :login

note : I always use this way when play with devise for my apps authentication.. (rails 3.2 and rails 4.0.1)

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GeekToL Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 09:11


You can do just like GeekTol wrote, or just put

before_action :authenticate_user!

in your controller.

In this case, devise uses the default authenticate_user! method, that will redirect to the "user_session_path" and use the default flash message.

It's not necessary to rewrite authenticate_user! method, unless you want to customize it.

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imtk Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 10:11


I thought you could just add: before_action :authenticate_user! to each controller that required the user to be logged in.

I'm a Rails beginner but I found this in my own searches and it works well in my application.

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comphelp Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 08:11


You should refer to Devise's own How To: How To: Redirect to a specific page when the user can not be authenticated.

Another alternative I can think of is creating a routing Constraint wrapping your protected routes. You'd better stick to Devise's way, but here is an example:

#On your routes.rb
constraints(Constraints::LoginRequired) do
  get '/example' 

#Somewhere like lib/constraints/login_required.rb
module Constraints
  class LoginRequired
    def self.matches?(request)
      #some devise code that checks if the user is logged in
like image 2
Lucas Polonio Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 10:11

Lucas Polonio