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Passing Variable to Partial - undefined local variable or method error

Here is the code in my view to call the partial:

<%= render(:partial => "tabs", :locals => {:class_Name => "Science", :y => 36}) %> 

and now here is what's in _tabs.html.erb:

<div> <h1> <%= class_Name %> </h1> </div> 

I expect HTML output of:

<div> <h1> Science </h1> </div> 

But instead I get the error:

undefined local variable or method `class_Name' for #<#<Class:0x007f873b156c28>:0x007f873b1f9540> 

I have closed and restarted Aptana (the IDE I use), and restarted the server multiple times

Thanks in advance for your time.

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rishim3 Avatar asked Apr 26 '13 05:04


2 Answers

I've noticed that if I did not include 'partial:' before my partial path, like so:

<%= render 'my_partial', :locals => {:class_Name => "Science", :y => 36} %> 

I was required to use the hash+symbol in my partial to access the desired values as others have noted.

<div> <h1> <%= locals[:class_Name] %> has a y value of <%= locals[:y] %></h1> </div> 

However, including 'partial:' before my partial path:

<% render partial: 'my_partial', :locals => {:class_Name => 'Science', :y => 36 } %> 

...allowed me to simply call the hash values directly.

<div> <h1><%= class_Name %> has a y value of <%= y %></h1> </div> 

Just something to keep in mind, this issue tripped me up for awhile when trying to send the locals hash to my partial.

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MFarmer Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09


If you are using the term partial: in your render, for example like so:

<% render partial: 'your_partial', locals: {foo: 'Biggs', bar: 'Wedge'} %>

Then your locals will be available simply as foo and bar, directly accessibly thus:

<%= foo %> //returns Biggs  <%= bar %> //returns Wedge 

However, If you are NOT using the term partials: in your render, for example like so:

<% render 'your_partial', locals: {foo: 'Biggs', bar: 'Wedge'} %>

Then your locals will be available as members of locals, accessible thus:

<% locals[:foo] %> //returns Biggs <% locals[:bar] %> //returns Wedge 
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Monarch Wadia Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09

Monarch Wadia