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Expecting errors in rspec tests

I'm trying to expect an error in an rspec test.

lambda {Participant.create!({:user_id => three.id, :match_id => match.id, :team => 1})}.should raise_error StandardError 

For now I'm just using StandardError to make sure it's working.

1) StandardError in 'Participant should never allow more participants than players'.     This game is already full.  Cannot add another player. /home/josiah/Projects/Set-Match/app/models/participant.rb:12:in `do_not_exceed_player_count_in_match' ./spec/models/participant_spec.rb:24: 

It clearly throws the error, but my test still fails.


like image 931
Josiah Kiehl Avatar asked Mar 01 '10 22:03

Josiah Kiehl

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1 Answers

Since some time, but at least in RSpec 2.5, it is possible to use

expect {raise 'boom'}.to raise_error(RuntimeError, /boom/) 
like image 65
Confusion Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09
