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Red, green, refactor - why refactor?

I am trying to learn TDD and unit testing concepts and I have seen the mantra: "red, green, refactor." I am curious about why should you refactor your code after the tests pass?

This makes no sense to me, because if the tests pass, then why are you messing with the code? I also see TDD mantras like "only write enough code to make the test pass."

The only reason I could come up with, is if to make the test pass with green, you just sloppily write any old code. You just hack together a solution to get a passing test. Then obviously the code is a mess, so you can clean it up.


I found this link on another stackoverflow post which I think confirms the only reason I came up with, that the original code to 'pass' the test can be very simple, even hardcoded: http://blog.extracheese.org/2009/11/how_i_started_tdd.html

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mikew Avatar asked Apr 21 '11 22:04


People also ask

What does red Green Refactor mean?

Red Green Refactor is the Agile engineering pattern which underpins Test Driven Development. Characterized by a “test-first” approach to design and implementation, it utilizes very short development cycles to minimize leap-of-faith assumptions.

Which of the following are steps in the red green refactor cycle?

The traditional cycle of TDD, commonly referred to as Red-Green-Refactor, has the following steps: Red: Write a failing test. Green: Make the failing test pass. Refactor: Improve the implementation while maintaining passing tests.

At what stage should I refactor my code as per TDD?

Refactoring happens in the TDD practice after you quickly implement the missing functionality and all tests in the test suite pass. The code after the first two steps might not be the production quality code.

What is red Green testing?

One of the most popular ways the TDD process is described is referred to as the red-green-refactor cycle. Start with a failing test (red), make the test pass (green), clean up and polish so you are leaving things in better shape than when you arrived (refactor).

1 Answers

Usually the first working version of the code - even if not a mess - still can be improved. So you improve it, making it cleaner, more readable, removing duplication, finding better variable/method names etc. This is refactoring. And since you have the tests, you can refactor safely, because the tests will show if you have inadvertently broken something.

Note that usually you are not writing code from scratch, but modifying/extending existing code to add/change functionality. And the existing code may not be ready to accommodate the new functionality seamlessly. So the first implementation of the new functionality may look awkward or inconvenient, or you may see that it is difficult to extend further. So you improve the design to incorporate all existing functionality in the simplest, cleanest possible way while still passing all the tests.

Your question is a rehash of the age old "if it works, don't fix it". However, as Martin Fowler explains in Refactoring, code can be broken in many different ways. Even if it passes all the tests, it can be hard to understand, thus hard to extend and maintain. Moreover, if it looks sloppy, future programmers will take even less care to keep it tidy, so it will deteriorate ever quicker, and eventually degrades into a complete unmaintainable mess. To prevent this, we refactor to always keep the code clean and tidy as much as possible. If we (or our predecessors) have already let it become messy, refactoring is a huge effort with no obvious immediate benefit for management and stakeholders; thus they can hardly be convinced to support a large scale refactoring in practice. Therefore we refactor in small, even trivial steps, after every code change.

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Péter Török Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 23:10

Péter Török