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Recursively remove files




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How do I delete a recursive file?

To remove a directory and all its contents, including any subdirectories and files, use the rm command with the recursive option, -r . Directories that are removed with the rmdir command cannot be recovered, nor can directories and their contents removed with the rm -r command.

What is recursively remove?

Recursive deletion aims to delete all the files and directories within a subdirectory. Generally, whenever you attempt to delete any file or a directory within any operating system, the OS prompts you to provide confirmation to prevent accidental deletion of important files or directories.

How do I delete all files from a specific type in Linux?

Using rm Command To remove a file with a particular extension, use the command 'rm'. This command is very easy to use, and its syntax is something like this. In the appropriate command, 'filename1', 'filename2', etc., refer to the names, plus their full paths.

change to the directory, and use:

find . -name ".DS_Store" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf
find . -name "._*" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf

Not tested, try them without the xargs first!

You could replace the period after find, with the directory, instead of changing to the directory first.

find /dir/here ...

find /var/www/html \( -name '.DS_Store' -or -name '._*' \) -delete

Newer findutils supports -delete, so:

find . -name ".DS_Store" -delete

Add -print to also get a list of deletions.

Command will work for you if you have an up-to-date POSIX system, I believe. At least it works for me on OS X 10.8 and works for others who've tested it on macOS 10.12 (Mojave).

Credit to @ephemient in a comment on @X-Istence's post (thought it was helpful enough to warrant its own answer).

Simple command:

rm `find ./ -name '.DS_Store'` -rf
rm `find ./ -name '._'` -rf

Good luck!

cd /var/www/html && find . -name '.DS_Store' -print0 | xargs -0 rm
cd /var/www/html && find . -name '._*' -print0 | xargs -0 rm

You could switch to zsh instead of bash. This lets you use ** to match files anywhere in a directory tree:

$ rm /var/www/html/**/_* /var/www/html/**/.DS_Store

You can also combine them like this:

$ rm /var/www/html/**/(_*|.DS_Store)

Zsh has lots of other features that bash lacks, but that one alone is worth making the switch for. It is available in most (probably all) linux distros, as well as cygwin and OS X.

You can find more information on the zsh site.

find . -name "FILE-TO-FIND"-exec rm -rf {} \;