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How to merge images in command line? [closed]

People also ask

How do I combine multiple images into one image?

Open the Photo Gallery and locate the folder that contains photos you want to combine. Hold CTRL key to select multiple images and then click on the Photo Gallery's Create tab. Select the Photo Fuse feature and proceed to designate the area of the photo you want to replace.

You can also try ImageMagic which is great for creating CSS sprites. Some tutorial about it here.

Example (vertical sprite):

convert image1.png image2.png image3.png -append result/result-sprite.png

Example (horizontal sprite):

convert image1.png image2.png image3.png +append result/result-sprite.png

You can also use GraphicsMagick, a lighter and faster fork of ImageMagick:

gm convert image1.png image2.png -append combined.png

A simple time comparison of merging 12 images:

time convert image{1..12}.jpg -append test.jpg

real    0m3.178s
user    0m3.850s
sys     0m0.376s

time gm convert image{1..12}.jpg -append test.jpg

real    0m1.912s
user    0m2.198s
sys     0m0.766s

GraphicsMagick is almost twice as fast as ImageMagick.

Use the pnmcat of the netpbm-package.

You probably have to convert your input files to and fro for using it:

pnmcat -lr <(pngtopnm 1.png) <(pngtopnm 2.png) | pnmtopng > all.png

EDIT: As user Hashbrown pointed out in a comment, this might have trouble with different sizes and/or transparency in the PNGs. To circumvent that he came up with this solution (just copying it here because the Q is closed and new answers cannot be added):

pnmcat -jleft -tb \
    <(pngtopnm image139.png) \
    <(pngtopnm image73.png) \
| pnmtopng \
    -alpha <(pnmcat -black -jleft -tb \
        <(pngtopnm -alpha image139.png) \
        <(pngtopnm -alpha image73.png) \
    ) \

I didn't test that solution, though.

If you prefer to merge the pictures from left to right, use the following command:

convert image{1..0}.png +append result/result-sprite.png

Note the +append instead of -append.