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Recommended reading to learn Gherkin [closed]

I wish to learn Gherkin so I can use it with specflow; I am looking for a document I can read on the train e.g. print out on paper.

All I can find on the web is short disconnected descriptions that don’t tell a story and require lots of clicking between web pages to read.

(I don't mind buying a good if it has lots of good Gherkin content in it)

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Ian Ringrose Avatar asked Mar 03 '11 16:03

Ian Ringrose

People also ask

Is gherkins should only be written by the testers?

Writing Gherkin Later, it can be efficiently done by a pair: a developer (or someone who is responsible for the automation) and a tester (or someone who is responsible for quality) as long as their output is actively reviewed by the product owner (or business representative).

What is the difference between Gherkin and Cucumber language?

The Cucumber grammar exists in different flavours for many spoken languages so that your team can use the keywords in your own language. Gherkin documents are stored in . feature text files and are typically versioned in source control alongside the software.

What is the basic structure of scenario steps in Gherkin?

Scenario is one of the core Gherkin structures. Every scenario starts with the Scenario: keyword (or localized one), followed by an optional scenario title. Each feature can have one or more scenarios, and every scenario consists of one or more steps.

1 Answers

The RSpec book is a great book to introduce some of the concepts of BDD, Rspec(as a .net dev you should check out MSpec) and Cucumber which is a based on Gherkin.

The best free printable resource is the awesome cuke4ninja which has a PRINTABLE pdf (follow instructions in README.md on github to create).

NINJA Cucumber!

There is a BNF definition https://github.com/aslakhellesoy/gherkin/wiki/BNF if you are that way inclined.

There's a Cucumber book out now too

EDIT: It looks cuke4ninja.com isn't what it was anymore (it's now some dating site) but the site is still kept on github. The link above has been changed.

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Johnno Nolan Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 11:10

Johnno Nolan