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React.js - clean way to differentiate loading/empty states in Render

I have my component:

getInitialState() {
    return {
        items: []

componentDidMount() {
    // make remote call to fetch `items`
        items: itemsFromServer

        // show empty state
    // output items

Extremely contrived/sandboxed, but this is the general idea. When you first load this component, you see a flash of the "empty state" HTML, as the server hasn't yet returned any data.

Has anyone got an approach/a React Way™ of handling whether there is actually no data vs. showing a loading state?

like image 645
benhowdle89 Avatar asked Jun 22 '15 22:06


1 Answers

I've just been rendering a empty span element but you could just as easily render a CSS spinner of some kind to show it's loading.

    return(<div class="spinner-loader">Loading…</div>);


You may also want to consider what happens if your response comes back with no results. I would use (this.state.items === null) to indicate that you are waiting for results and an empty array/collection (!this.state.items.length) to indicate that no results were returned.

like image 93
David Forshner Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10

David Forshner