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(CORS) How does the browser know when to do a pre-flight request

So I have been using CORS for a short time now, I just read up on how it works behind the scenes.

My question is how does the browser know when to do a pre-flight request?

There is no issue involved right now, as the browser seems to be working fine, I am just a little bit curious. Because when I make the request, I am not giving it any information on whether or not it is CORS, yet it still knows to do a pre-flight.

like image 814
Qasim Ahmed Avatar asked Jun 17 '15 17:06

Qasim Ahmed

People also ask

What triggers a pre flight request?

A preflight request is a small request that is sent by the browser before the actual request. It contains information like which HTTP method is used, as well as if any custom HTTP headers are present. The preflight gives the server a chance to examine what the actual request will look like before it's made.

How a web server detects whether a request is a preflight request?

The preflight isn't the request itself. Instead, it contains metadata about it, such as which HTTP method is used and if the client added additional request headers. The server inspects this metadata to decide whether the browser is allowed to send the request.

How does Web API handle preflight requests?

You can add a handler to deal with this type of request. Later in WebApiconfig. cs in Register method add this: public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config) { // Define and add values to variables: origins, headers, methods (can be global) // Enable global CORS config.

How do you know if you have a preflight request?

Check for the existence of these essential information present in a preflight request: The request's HTTP method is OPTIONS. It has an Origin header. It has an Access-Control-Request-Method header, indicating what's the actual method it's trying to use to consume your service/resource.

1 Answers

The browser will send a preflight request if:

  • You add custom headers to your request
  • You use a method other than GET, HEAD or POST
  • You use POST with an unusual Content-Type.

More details here: HTTP access control (CORS), Preflighted requests

like image 167
RichieHindle Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 18:11
