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Dataset to JSON tree by merging

Say I have the below Dataset.

  Category        Item       Color 
 Electronics  Mobile         Black 
 Electronics  Mobile         Green 
 Electronics  Laptop         Black 
 HomeNeeds    VaccumCleaner  white 
 HomeNeeds    Refrigerator   Red   
 Wearable     AppleWatch     Red   

I want to transform this into SOMETHING like below JSON format so that I can load into a treeview control. What will be the best way to do that? The main difference is merging the same category or items! I can parse node to node in C#, check it with the previous node, merge it if it is same! and create it manually, but is there any other alternative instead of this long and complex process?

    "Categories" : [
        {"Electronics" : [
                {"Mobile" : [
            {"VaccumCleaner": [
                {"color": "Red"}
like image 234
Robert Avatar asked Apr 18 '15 06:04


1 Answers

Use an array.

var products = new Array(); // using new Array() to avoid mess

   products = 
        [ // Home Needs
        [ // Wearable
                "$14, 000",

Here is an example on how you would use this.

function getInfoOn(category,nameofappliance) { // 0 for category is home needs, etc
    for (var i=0; i < products[category].length; i++) {
        for(var l=0; l < products[i].length; l++) {
            for (var b=0; b < i[category][l].length; b++) {
                console.log('Name: '+ i[category][l][0]);
                console.log('Price: '+i[category][l][2]);

Please note the above code is only for an example. It should function all right but I might have made a mistake while writing it. This was just to show my point.

like image 168
Joseph Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10
