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React props: Should I pass the object or its properties? Does it make much difference?

When passing props should I pass the entire object into the child components or should I individually create props first in the parent component and then pass those props to the child?

Pass entire object:

<InnerComponent object={object} /> 

Individually create props that're needed first:

<InnerComponent name={object.name} image={object.image} /> 

Which one is preferred and if it depends, what should I use as a gauge to use either?

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catandmouse Avatar asked Oct 03 '18 06:10


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1 Answers

You should prefer your second example, to pass the props individually. There you can see explicitly which arguments are passed and can quickly compare with which arguments are expected. This makes collaboration along people much easier and makes the state of the application more clear.

I personally try to avoid passing whole objects if it's not needed. It's like the spread operator where there can be any property inside and it is much harder to debug in a bigger scope.

Some additions to pure react like prop-types or typescript might help to define clear and expected properties in a big application

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mstruebing Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 07:09
