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React Native TextInput that only accepts numeric characters



People also ask

How do I allow only characters in a text box in React Native?

To restrict an input field to only letters in React.Set the type of the input field to text . Add an onChange event handler that removes all characters but letters. Keep the input value in a state variable.

How do I disable text input in React Native?

To disable options on React Native TextInput, we can set the editable and selectTextOnFocus props to false . to set them both to false . Then we won't see any popup options displayed when we focus on the text input. editable set to false disables typing in the input.

Using a RegExp to replace any non digit is faster than using a for loop with a whitelist, like other answers do.

Use this for your onTextChange handler:

onChanged (text) {
        mobile: text.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''),

Performance test here: https://jsperf.com/removing-non-digit-characters-from-a-string

You can do it like this. It will only accept numeric values, and limit to 10 numbers as your wish.

   onChangeText={(text)=> this.onChanged(text)}
   maxLength={10}  //setting limit of input

You can see the entered value by writing the following code in your page:


In the onChanged() function the code look like this:

    let newText = '';
    let numbers = '0123456789';

    for (var i=0; i < text.length; i++) {
        if(numbers.indexOf(text[i]) > -1 ) {
            newText = newText + text[i];
        else {
            // your call back function
            alert("please enter numbers only");
    this.setState({ myNumber: newText });

I hope this is helpful to others.

That is the correct way to do it till such a component (or attribute on the TextInput) is specifically developed.

The web has the ‘number’ type for the input element, but that is web based and react-native does not use a web view.

You could consider to create that input as a react component on it’s own (maybe call NumberInput): that’ll enable you to reuse it or maybe even open source it since you can create many TextInputs that has different value filters/checkers.

The downside to immediate correction is to ensure correct feedback is given to the user as to prevent confusion as to what happened to his value

React Native TextInput provides keyboardType props with following possible values : default number-pad decimal-pad numeric email-address phone-pad

so for your case you can use keyboardType='number-pad' for accepting only numbers. This doesn't include '.'


  keyboardType = 'number-pad'
  onChangeText = {(text)=> this.onChanged(text)}
  value = {this.state.myNumber}

is what you have to use in your case.

for more details please refer the official doc link for TextInput : https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/textinput#keyboardtype

First Solution

You can use keyboardType = 'numeric' for numeric keyboard.

  <View style={styles.container}>
        <Text style={styles.textStyle}>Enter Number</Text>
          placeholder={'Enter number here'}
          onChangeText={value => this.onTextChanged(value)}

In first case punctuation marks are included ex:- . and -

Second Solution

Use regular expression to remove punctuation marks.

 onTextChanged(value) {
    // code to remove non-numeric characters from text
    this.setState({ number: value.replace(/[- #*;,.<>\{\}\[\]\\\/]/gi, '') });

Please check snack link


Only allow numbers using a regular expression

  keyboardType = 'numeric'
  onChangeText = {(e)=> this.onTextChanged(e)}
  value = {this.state.myNumber}

onTextChanged(e) {
  if (/^\d+$/.test(e.toString())) { 
    this.setState({ myNumber: e });

You might want to have more than one validation

  keyboardType = 'numeric'
  onChangeText = {(e)=> this.validations(e)}
  value = {this.state.myNumber}

numbersOnly(e) {
    return /^\d+$/.test(e.toString()) ? true : false

notZero(e) {
    return /0/.test(parseInt(e)) ? false : true

validations(e) {
    return this.notZero(e) && this.numbersOnly(e)
        ? this.setState({ numColumns: parseInt(e) })
        : false

Function to validate input:

validateInputs(text, type) {
let numreg = /^[0-9]+$/;
  if (type == 'username') {
    if (numreg.test(text)) {
      //test ok
    } else {
      //test not ok

   onChangeText={text => this.validateInputs(text, 'username')}

I hope this is helpful.