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Failed to find Build Tools revision 23.0.1

People also ask

How do I find my build tools?

Android SDK Build-Tools is a component of the Android SDK required for building Android apps. It's installed in the <sdk>/build-tools/ directory.

How to check buildToolsVersion in android Studio?

For the compileSdkVersion you can goto Tools > Android > SDK Manager . This will pull up a window that will allow you to manage your compileSdkVersion and your buildToolsVersion . You can also select the link at the bottom left (Launch Standalone SDK Manager) this will give you a little bit more information.

You should install Android SDK Build Tools 23.0.1 via Android SDK. Don't forget to check Show Packages Details.


I faced the same problem and I solved it doing the following:

Go to /home/[USER]/Android/Sdk/tools and execute:

$android list sdk -a

Which will show a list like:

  1. Android SDK Tools, revision 24.0.2
  2. Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 23.0.2
  3. Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 23.0.1

... and many more

Then, execute the command (attention! at your computer the third option may be different):

$android update sdk -a -u -t 3

It will install the 23.0.1 SDK Platform-tools components.

Try to build your project again.

Either install v23.0.1 of the build tools (the fifth row in your screenshot), or change your code to use the build tools version you already have installed (v23.0.3). This can be specified in your app's build.gradle file:

android {
    compileSdkVersion 23
    buildToolsVersion "23.0.3"

    defaultConfig {

As per duncanc4's comment below,

The build.gradle file you want to edit is in the android/app folder within your project directory.

The error you're getting seems to be related to system's permissions, since it's not able to create a folder.

Try running the sdk-manager using root (with su or sudo commands).

I had this error:

Failed to find Build Tools revision 23.0.2

When you got updated/installed:

  1. Android SDK Build Tools
  2. Android SDK Tools

Change version number in build.gradle


buildToolsVersion "23.0.2"


buildToolsVersion "25.0.2"

How to find what Build Tools version you have