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How to delete a file from SD card?

People also ask

Why can't I delete files from SD card?

It's possible that the SD Card is damaged or formatted incorrectly. The only way to be sure is to test the SD card in another device. For stubborn files you can try to take the SD card out of the device, reboot the phone, and reinsert the SD card.

Can you delete files on a Micro SD card?

Right-click the files you want to delete and click "Delete." Alternatively, you can drag them from the hard disk window to the Recycle Bin (Windows) or Trash bin (Mac OS X). Close your SD card's hard disk window when you finish.

File file = new File(selectedFilePath);
boolean deleted = file.delete();

where selectedFilePath is the path of the file you want to delete - for example:


Also you have to give permission if you are using >1.6 SDK

uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"

in AndroidManifest.xml file

Change for Android 4.4+

Apps are not allowed to write (delete, modify ...) to external storage except to their package-specific directories.

As Android documentation states:

"Apps must not be allowed to write to secondary external storage devices, except in their package-specific directories as allowed by synthesized permissions."

However nasty workaround exists (see code below). Tested on Samsung Galaxy S4, but this fix does't work on all devices. Also I wouldn’t count on this workaround being available in future versions of Android.

There is a great article explaining (4.4+) external storage permissions change.

You can read more about workaround here. Workaround source code is from this site.

public class MediaFileFunctions 
    public static boolean deleteViaContentProvider(Context context, String fullname) 
      Uri uri=getFileUri(context,fullname); 

      if (uri==null) 
         return false;

         ContentResolver resolver=context.getContentResolver(); 

         // change type to image, otherwise nothing will be deleted 
         ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); 
         int media_type = 1; 
         contentValues.put("media_type", media_type); 
         resolver.update(uri, contentValues, null, null); 

         return resolver.delete(uri, null, null) > 0; 
      catch (Throwable e) 
         return false; 

   private static Uri getFileUri(Context context, String fullname) 
      // Note: check outside this class whether the OS version is >= 11 
      Uri uri = null; 
      Cursor cursor = null; 
      ContentResolver contentResolver = null;

         if (contentResolver == null)
            return null;

         String[] projection = new String[2]; 
         projection[0] = "_id"; 
         projection[1] = "_data"; 
         String selection = "_data = ? ";    // this avoids SQL injection 
         String[] selectionParams = new String[1]; 
         selectionParams[0] = fullname; 
         String sortOrder = "_id"; 
         cursor=contentResolver.query(uri, projection, selection, selectionParams, sortOrder); 

         if (cursor!=null) 
               if (cursor.getCount() > 0) // file present! 
                  int dataColumn=cursor.getColumnIndex("_data"); 
                  String s = cursor.getString(dataColumn); 
                  if (!s.equals(fullname)) 
                     return null; 
                  int idColumn = cursor.getColumnIndex("_id"); 
                  long id = cursor.getLong(idColumn); 
                  uri= MediaStore.Files.getContentUri("external",id); 
               else // file isn't in the media database! 
                  ContentValues contentValues=new ContentValues(); 
                  uri = MediaStore.Files.getContentUri("external"); 
                  uri = contentResolver.insert(uri,contentValues); 
            catch (Throwable e) 
               uri = null; 
      catch (Throwable e) 
      return uri; 

Android Context has the following method:

public abstract boolean deleteFile (String name)

I believe this will do what you want with the right App premissions as listed above.

Recursively delete all children of the file ...

public static void DeleteRecursive(File fileOrDirectory) {
    if (fileOrDirectory.isDirectory()) {
        for (File child : fileOrDirectory.listFiles()) {


This works for me: (Delete image from Gallery)

File file = new File(photoPath);

context.sendBroadcast(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE, Uri.fromFile(new File(photoPath))));

 public static boolean deleteDirectory(File path) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    if( path.exists() ) {
        File[] files = path.listFiles();
        for(int i=0; i<files.length; i++) {
            if(files[i].isDirectory()) {
            else {

This Code will Help you.. And In Android Manifest You have to get Permission to make modification..

 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>