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React native how to wrap content view



I'm pretty new with RN, is there anyway to wrap the content of the view, similar to Android. In Android I can adjust, Height: 'wrap-content', but somehow in RN, I can't do any wrap content.

It's either I set the height of the view, or just flex, but still not wrap the view.

like image 856
Mina Makhtar Avatar asked Nov 09 '16 09:11

Mina Makhtar

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1 Answers

You can set the parent to wrap child component like this.

alignSelf: 'baseline'

<View style={{ alignSelf:'baseline'}}>   <Text>Child Content</Text> </View> 

Wrap child content horizontally.

like image 85
Edison D'souza Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09

Edison D'souza