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Focus style for TextInput in react-native

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How do you focus TextInput in React Native?

focus textinput in class component examplecreateRef(); let's understand with the example of create ref of textinput in class component. export default ReactNativeComponents; The above example also added auto navigate the second textinput when the first input fired submit an event.

How do you apply TextInput style in React Native?

To set the focus style for TextInput in React Native, we can set the style in the focus and blur handlers. to set the onBlur and onFocus props to the blur and focus event handlers. onBlur is called when the text input loses focus.

How do you change border color of TextInput on focus in React Native?

import { Platform, StyleSheet, Text, View, TextInput } from "react-native"; Step-3 : Create TextInput component inside the render block and specify borderWidth, borderColor property of CSS Stylesheet in TextInput Component. This CSS property will set the border color in TextInput layout.

How do I get rid of underline in TextInput React Native?

To change or remove the underline we need to use the underlineColorAndroid prop. This is only necessary for Android as the iOS TextInput comes relatively unstyled. This can be set to any color, which includes transparent. To remove the line add underlineColorAndroid="transparent" to your TextInput .

You can achieve this by passing in the onFocus and onBlur events to set and unset styles when focused and blurred:

  onFocus() {
        backgroundColor: 'green'

  onBlur() {
      backgroundColor: '#ededed'

And then, in the TextInput do this:

    onBlur={ () => this.onBlur() }
    onFocus={ () => this.onFocus() }
    style={{ height:60, backgroundColor: this.state.backgroundColor, color: this.state.color }}  />

I've set up a full working project here. I hope this helps!


'use strict';

var React = require('react-native');
var {
} = React;

var SampleApp = React.createClass({

  getInitialState() {
    return {
        backgroundColor: '#ededed',
      color: 'white'

  onFocus() {
        backgroundColor: 'green'

  onBlur() {
      backgroundColor: '#ededed'

  render: function() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
        onBlur={ () => this.onBlur() }
        onFocus={ () => this.onFocus() }
        style={{ height:60, backgroundColor: this.state.backgroundColor, color: this.state.color }}  />

var styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,

AppRegistry.registerComponent('SampleApp', () => SampleApp);

Use refs, DirectManipulation and setNativeProps for more performance: https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/direct-manipulation.

class MyInput extends Component {
  focusedInput = () => { 
      style: { backgroundColor: 'green' }

  blurredInput = () => { 
      style: { backgroundColor: 'yellow' }

  render () {
      return <TextInput 
                ref={c => { this.textInput = c}} 
                onBlur={this.blurredInput} />


const stylesObj = { textInput: { height: 50, fontSize: 15, backgroundColor: 'yellow', color: 'black', } }

const styles = StyleSheet.create(stylesObj)

This updates the TextInput component directly without re-rendering the component hierarchy.

The best way to control the style when the element is focused / blurred is to create your own TextInput wrapper

export const MyAppTextInput = (props) => {
  return (

Note that {...props} will pass in any property you already set or available for TextInput.

Then extend the above component by adding state to apply styles when focus / blur

export const MyAppTextInput = (props) => {
  const [isFocused, setIsFocused] = useState(false);
  return (
      style={[props.style, isFocused && {borderWidth: 5, borderColor: 'blue'}]}
      onBlur={() => setIsFocused(false)}
      onFocus={() => setIsFocused(true)}

And remember when you use the component to bind the value like in the example (see value={passwordText}); otherwise the value will disappear on blur as a new render commences after the state change.

          onChangeText={text => {

You can of course avoid creating a wrapper but if you have more than one input it will create a mess in your input(s) parent components as you will have to add repeating logic.

You can create a state to keep track of the input-state and use that state to toggle the style. Here is a simple example

const App = () => {
  const [isActive, setActive] = useState(false);

  return (
    <TextInput style={{ color: isActive ? 'black' : 'grey' }} onFocus={() => setActive(true)} onBlur={() => setActive(false)}/>

Nader Dabit´s pointed me to do something similar -- using the state for styles -- but I think it can be done in a cleaner way if you created separate styles for the focused and unfocused style and pass only the style ID as follows:

getInitialState() {
  return { style: styles.textinput_unfocused }
onFocus() {
  this.setState({ style: styles.textinput_focused })
onBlur() {
  this.setState({ style: styles.textinput_unfocused })

in render -- referencing by styleID in this.state.style, note how the different styles are passed as an Array:

  onBlur={ () => this.onBlur() }
  onFocus={ () => this.onFocus() }
  style={ [styles.textinput, this.state.style] }  />

+ your stylesheet à la carte:

textinput_focused: {
  backgroundColor: 'red',
  color: 'white'
textinput_unfocused: {
  backgroundColor: 'green'

Hey guys I kinda used everyones idea :p

@Felix gave me an idea that might be perhaps even cleaner. (I would have loved to not have included state though on this static component, just to change styling... But I am to new to this to figure that out.

here was my solution:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, TextInput } from 'react-native';

class TxtInput extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      style: {},

  onFocus = () => {
    const state = { ...this.state };
    state.style = {
      borderStyle: 'solid',
      borderColor: '#e74712',


  onBlur = () => {
    console.log('on ONBLUR')
    const state = { ...this.state };
    state.style = {};


  render = () => <TextInput style={[styles.input, this.state.style]} onFocus={() => this.onFocus()} onBlur={() => this.onBlur()} />;

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  input: {
    color: '#000000',
    fontFamily: 'MuseoSans 700 Italic',
    fontSize: 22,
    borderRadius: 34,
    borderStyle: 'solid',
    borderColor: 'transparent',
    borderWidth: 5,
    backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
    textAlign: 'center',
    width: '25%',

export default TxtInput;

I added the style into an array, have all the actual input styling done on the first property of the array and the second one the nit picking of the focus and blue.

Hope it helps