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Razor view engine for ExpressJS [closed]

I've been toying around with NodeJS, ExpressJS etc, and would really like to be able to have a template engine closer to ASP.Net MVC's Razor engine for node (jshtml). I'm curious if anyone is familiar with such a beast, or something closer to it.

The main feature I am wanting is region/section based inserts against a master/parent layout/template, which doesn't seem to be a feature in the template engines for node I have seen so far.

-- edit: 2012-02-09 --

I'm essentially wanting to be able to do the following...


<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>   <!-- meta tags, etc -->    <!-- title set in page -->   <title>@ViewBag.Title</title>    <!-- site-wide styles -->    @RenderSection("Styles", false) </head> <body class="@ViewBag.PageClass">   <!-- site-wide header -->    <div id="side_content">     @RenderSection("Side", false)   </div>    <div id="main_content">     @RenderBody()   </div>    <!-- site-wide footer -->    <!-- site-wide scripts -->    @RenderSection("Scripts", false) </body> </html>


@{   ViewBag.Title = "My Page";   ViewBag.PageClass = "page-x"; }  @section Styles {   <link ... /> }  @section Scripts {   <script type="text/javascript">     var pagesettings = @Html.Raw(Model.SomeJsonContentFromController);   </script> }  @section Side {   side content here }  main content here

Which is pass certain criteria from the view into the layout including multiple sections. I haven't seen an example of how to do this in Jade or EJS, if it's possible I would appreciate the insight.

-- edit: 2012-02-13 --

It looks like ExpressJS 3 + Jade there are now "extends" and "block" keywords for defining precisely what I was looking for. Example taken from here. Thanks to @Don for his answer & comment.

// my-template.jade extends my-layout  // only guessing this var will be passed to the layout (testing later) - var pageTitle = "My Template"; - var pageClass = "my-template";  block styles   style(type="text/css")  block scripts   script(src="myscript.js")  block side   div Side Content Here  block main   div Main Content Here 
//my-layout.jade doctype 5 html   head     title #{pageTitle} - My Site   body(class=pageClass)     #side       block side     #main       block main     block scripts 

I'm not 100% sure about some aspects above (namely variables carrying to the layout from the template... will try to confirm later.

like image 471
Tracker1 Avatar asked Feb 08 '12 16:02


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1 Answers

Vash is the most feature complete and up-to-date razor clone I have found yet. Definitely check that one out.

like image 117
Chad Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 01:09
