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RavenDB tracked changes bypasses validation



I am playing around trying to get an application framework going that uses RavenDB. I have setup a business logic service, which has a 1 to 1 relationship with a session and effectively becomes the unit of work abstraction.

Part of the business logic service would be to contain all the validation. A method from the service might be something like

    public void StoreUser(User user)
        //Some validation logic
            throw new Exception("User name can not be empty");


The issue is that because user is tracked as soon as it is stored i can bypass any validation on the store method but storing a correct value then changing it later

    public void TestUserStore()
        var u1 = new User() {Name = "John"};
        var u2 = new User() { Name = "Amy" };

        u1.Name = null; //change is tracked and will persist on the next save changes

        //The following fails, as we have stored null as the name rather than "John" bypassing our validation
        Assert.IsTrue(Service.AdhocQuery<User>().Any(u => u.Name == "John"));


Is there someway to get RavenDB to store only a snapshot of the item that was stored and not track further changes? Should i be cloning everything going into and out of the business logic service to prevent illegal update? or am i doing the validation in the wrong place is there a better place to put this logic?

like image 922
Alex Avatar asked Oct 02 '12 18:10


1 Answers

Put your validation logic inside a IDocumentStoreListener before every save, you can do this sort of check automatically.

I blogged more about this issue here.

like image 152
Ayende Rahien Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 13:10

Ayende Rahien