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RavenDB full-text search

Can you please tell how to perform simple full-text search in RavenDb. The database is stored document: Movie {Name = "Pirates of the Carribean"}. I wish that this document was found on the search phrase "Pirates Carribean" or any other combination of words.

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Boris Mitchenko Avatar asked Nov 30 '10 14:11

Boris Mitchenko

3 Answers

Boris, Rob's answer has the right index, but it is a bit awkward for querying. You can do that using:

 session.Query<Movie, Movie_ByName>()
         .Search(x=>x.Name, searchTerms)

That will

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Ayende Rahien Avatar answered Jan 22 '23 03:01

Ayende Rahien

What you are worrying about isn't anything to do with full text - by default Lucene works on an OR basis and what you want is an AND

If I were you I'd do

 String[] terms = searchTerm.Split(" "); // Or whatever the string.split method is


  .Where("Name:(" + String.Join(" AND ", terms) + ")");

Your index should look something like

 public class Movie_ByName : AbstractIndexCreationTask
    public override IndexDefinition CreateIndexDefinition()
        return new IndexDefinitionBuilder<Movie>
                       Map = movies => from movie in movies
                                        select new { movie.Name, market.Id },

                       Indexes =
                               {x => x.Name, FieldIndexing.Analyzed}

You don't need storage, you're not requesting the data from lucene directly at any time. You might not even want an index (You might actually want FieldIndexing.Analyzed, and might get away with just using dynamic queries here)

Up to you though.

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Rob Ashton Avatar answered Jan 22 '23 01:01

Rob Ashton

Here's how I acheived an "ANDing" term search.

First, make sure that your field is indexed and analyzed:

public class MyIndex: AbstractIndexCreationTask<MyDocument>
    public MyIndex()
        Map = docs => from d in docs
                      select new { d.MyTextField  };

        Index(x => x.MyTextField, FieldIndexing.Analyzed);

Then query from the client:

   var query = session.Query<MyDocument, MyIndex>();

    query = theSearchText
                .Split(new[] {" "}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                .Aggregate(query, (q, term) =>
                     q.Search(x => x.MyTextField, term, options: SearchOptions.And));
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Ronnie Overby Avatar answered Jan 22 '23 02:01

Ronnie Overby