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How To Search Instagram via API Query?

I would like to build a small 'instant image search' app powered by Instagram photos. This would be like Google Instant where you start typing and results are displayed/updated as you type more letters.

You can see a live demo app powered by Google Images instead. I know this is possible with larger engines (Google, Yahoo!, Bing) but I have no idea if Instagram will allow this. Can anybody familiar with the API offer help on this?

If it's not possible to search via the API that makes sense. I just wanted to check here first since there are so many knowledgeable programmers.

like image 215
Jake Avatar asked Jul 24 '12 16:07


People also ask

Can you access Instagram API?

The Instagram Basic Display API allows users of your app to get basic profile information, photos, and videos in their Instagram accounts. The API can be used to access any type of Instagram account but only provides read-access to basic data.

What information can I get from Instagram API?

The API can be used to get and publish their media, manage and reply to comments on their media, identify media where they have been @mentioned by other Instagram users, find hashtagged media, and get basic metadata and metrics about other Instagram Businesses and Creators.

How do I use Instagram basic API?

Go to Dashboard, scroll down, locate the Instagram product, and click Set Up to add it to your app. Click Basic Display, scroll to the bottom of the page, then click Create New App. In the form that appears, complete each section using the guidelines below.

1 Answers

First of all, and in case you didn't knew, there's already one similar (at least) web app. That being said, let's go to the answer:

You need to get your client_id, since you need it to call the API (More info here). You should be making calls to this endpoint (More info about Instagram's API endpoints here, you should read this :P):


Of course, change the SEARCH-TAG with user input, CLIENT-ID with the one you got before and YOUR-CALLBACK with your callback function's name.

The response to this call comes in JSONP and looks like this (Taken from the API's page):

    "data": [{
        "type": "image",
        "filter": "Earlybird",
        "tags": ["snow"],
        "comments": {
            "data": [{
                "created_time": "1296703540",
                "text": "Snow",
                "from": {
                    "username": "emohatch",
                    "username": "Dave",
                    "id": "1242695"
                "id": "26589964"
                "created_time": "1296707889",
                "text": "#snow",
                "from": {
                    "username": "emohatch",
                    "username": "Emo Hatch",
                    "id": "1242695"
                "id": "26609649"
            "count": 3
        "caption": {
            "created_time": "1296703540",
            "text": "#Snow",
            "from": {
                "username": "emohatch",
                "id": "1242695"
            "id": "26589964"
        "likes": {
            "count": 1,
            "data": [{
                "username": "mikeyk",
                "full_name": "Mike Krieger",
                "id": "4",
                "profile_picture": "http://distillery.s3.amazonaws.com/profiles/profile_1242695_75sq_1293915800.jpg"
        "link": "http://instagr.am/p/BWl6P/",
        "user": {
            "username": "emohatch",
            "profile_picture": "http://distillery.s3.amazonaws.com/profiles/profile_1242695_75sq_1293915800.jpg",
            "id": "1242695",
            "full_name": "Dave"
        "created_time": "1296703536",
        "images": {
            "low_resolution": {
                "url": "http://distillery.s3.amazonaws.com/media/2011/02/02/f9443f3443484c40b4792fa7c76214d5_6.jpg",
                "width": 306,
                "height": 306
            "thumbnail": {
                "url": "http://distillery.s3.amazonaws.com/media/2011/02/02/f9443f3443484c40b4792fa7c76214d5_5.jpg",
                "width": 150,
                "height": 150
            "standard_resolution": {
                "url": "http://distillery.s3.amazonaws.com/media/2011/02/02/f9443f3443484c40b4792fa7c76214d5_7.jpg",
                "width": 612,
                "height": 612
        "id": "22699663",
        "location": null

Then you just need to process this response and do whatever you want with it :)

like image 85
scumah Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 04:11
