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Cloud Service Providers for RavenDb [closed]

Not to be confused with Shared hosting providers supporting RavenDB or other similar questions. I do not need a web host, nor want to deploy RavenDb in Embedded or Web Site mode...

Question: Are there any cloud service providers for RavenDB, like MongoHQ and MongoLab for the MongoDB platform?

Edit: RavenHQ and Cloudbird are two providers, but they are not in production - answers should only include those that are currently available.

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one.beat.consumer Avatar asked Feb 14 '12 19:02


3 Answers

After a lot of searching, conversations with RavenDB folks on Jabbr.net and speaking to some provider companies we have a answer:

RavenHQ.com and Cloudbird.net provide such services. RavenHQ is ready for production and in the US East zone, while Cloudbird is in beta and in the EU West zone.

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one.beat.consumer Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 23:11


http://www.ravenhq.com should be live any day as Ayende mentioned in the latest RavenDb videos on tekpub


RavenHq is now live on AppHarbor http://blog.appharbor.com/2012/02/17/hosted-ravendb-on-appharbor

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Korayem Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 22:11


http://www.cloudbird.net/ I've seen this mentioned but same as http://www.ravenhq.com/ they don't give much detail. I also don't know who the authors of cloudbird are.

Otherwise, you could just use an EC2/Azure to host it? (I've seen Azure and RavenDB talked about on Twitter, there is some github projects with instructions)

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Phil Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 22:11
