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Random access performance on a 1D Haskell list

I have a Haskell program which simulates the Ising model with the Metropolis algorithm. The main operation is a stencil operation that takes the sum of next neighbors in 2D and then multiplies that with the center element. Then the element is perhaps updated.

In C++, where I get decent performance, I use a 1D array and then linearize the access to it with simple index arithmetics. In the past months I have picked up Haskell to broaden my horizon and also tried to implement the Ising model there. The data structure is just a list of Bool:

type Spin = Bool
type Lattice = [Spin]

Then I have some fixed extent:

extent = 30

And a get function which retrieves a particular lattice site, including periodic boundary conditions:

-- Wrap a coordinate for periodic boundary conditions.
wrap :: Int -> Int
wrap = flip mod $ extent

-- Converts an unbounded (x,y) index into a linearized index with periodic
-- boundary conditions.
index :: Int -> Int -> Int
index x y = wrap x + wrap y * extent

-- Retrieve a single element from the lattice, automatically performing
-- periodic boundary conditions.
get :: Lattice -> Int -> Int -> Spin
get l x y = l !! index x y

I use the same thing in C++ and there it works fine, though I know that the std::vector guarantees me fast random access.

While profiling, I found that the get function takes up a significant amount of computing time:

COST CENTRE                        MODULE                SRC                       no.     entries  %time %alloc   %time %alloc

         get                       Main                  ising.hs:36:1-26          153     899100    8.3    0.4     9.2    1.9
          index                    Main                  ising.hs:31:1-36          154     899100    0.5    1.2     0.9    1.5
           wrap                    Main                  ising.hs:26:1-24          155          0    0.4    0.4     0.4    0.4
         neighborSum               Main                  ising.hs:(40,1)-(43,56)   133     899100    4.9   16.6    46.6   25.3
          spin                     Main                  ising.hs:(21,1)-(22,17)   135    3596400    0.5    0.4     0.5    0.4
          neighborSum.neighbors    Main                  ising.hs:43:9-56          134     899100    0.9    0.7     0.9    0.7
          neighborSum.retriever    Main                  ising.hs:42:9-40          136     899100    0.4    0.0    40.2    7.6
           neighborSum.retriever.\ Main                  ising.hs:42:32-40         137    3596400    0.2    0.0    39.8    7.6
            get                    Main                  ising.hs:36:1-26          138    3596400   33.7    1.4    39.6    7.6
             index                 Main                  ising.hs:31:1-36          139    3596400    3.1    4.7     5.9    6.1
              wrap                 Main                  ising.hs:26:1-24          141          0    2.7    1.4     2.7    1.4

I have read that the Haskell list is only good when one pushes/pops elements at the front, so performance is only given when one uses it as a stack.

When I “update” the lattice, I use splitAt and then ++ to return a new list which has the one element changed.

Is there something relatively straightforward that I can do do improve the random access performance?

The full code is here:

-- Copyright © 2017 Martin Ueding <[email protected]>

-- Ising model with the Metropolis algorithm. Random choice of lattice site for
-- a spin flip.

import qualified Data.Text
import System.Random

type Spin = Bool
type Lattice = [Spin]

-- Lattice extent is fixed to a square.
extent = 30
volume = extent * extent

temperature :: Double
temperature = 0.0

-- Converts a `Spin` into `+1` or `-1`.
spin :: Spin -> Int
spin True = 1
spin False = (-1)

-- Wrap a coordinate for periodic boundary conditions.
wrap :: Int -> Int
wrap = flip mod $ extent

-- Converts an unbounded (x,y) index into a linearized index with periodic
-- boundary conditions.
index :: Int -> Int -> Int
index x y = wrap x + wrap y * extent

-- Retrieve a single element from the lattice, automatically performing
-- periodic boundary conditions.
get :: Lattice -> Int -> Int -> Spin
get l x y = l !! index x y

-- Computes the sum of neighboring spings.
neighborSum :: Lattice -> Int -> Int -> Int
neighborSum l x y = sum $ map spin $ map retriever neighbors
        retriever = \(x, y) -> get l x y
        neighbors = [(x+1,y), (x-1,y), (x,y+1), (x,y-1)]

-- Computes the energy difference at a certain lattice site if it would be
-- flipped.
energy :: Lattice -> Int -> Int -> Int
energy l x y = 2 * neighborSum l x y * (spin (get l x y))

-- Converts a full lattice into a textual representation.
latticeToString l = unlines lines
        spinToChar :: Spin -> String
        spinToChar True = "#"
        spinToChar False = "."

        line :: String
        line = concat $ map spinToChar l

        lines :: [String]
        lines = map Data.Text.unpack $ Data.Text.chunksOf extent $ Data.Text.pack line

-- Populates a lattice given a random seed.
initLattice :: Int -> (Lattice,StdGen)
initLattice s = (l,rng)
        rng = mkStdGen s

        allRandom :: Lattice
        allRandom = randoms rng

        l = take volume allRandom

-- Performs a single Metropolis update at the given lattice site.
update (l,rng) x y
    | doUpdate = (l',rng')
    | otherwise = (l,rng')
        shift = energy l x y

        r :: Double
        (r,rng') = random rng

        doUpdate :: Bool
        doUpdate = (shift < 0) || (exp (- fromIntegral shift / temperature) > r)

        i = index x y
        (a,b) = splitAt i l
        l' = a ++ [not $ head b] ++ tail b

-- A full sweep through the lattice.
doSweep (l,rng) = doSweep' (l,rng) (extent * extent)

-- Implementation that does the needed number of sweeps at a random lattice
-- site.
doSweep' (l,rng) 0 = (l,rng)
doSweep' (l,rng) i = doSweep' (update (l,rng'') x y) (i - 1)
        x :: Int
        (x,rng') = random rng

        y :: Int
        (y,rng'') = random rng'

-- Creates an IO action that prints the lattice to the screen.
printLattice :: (Lattice,StdGen) -> IO ()
printLattice (l,rng) = do
    putStrLn ""
    putStr $ latticeToString l

dummy :: (Lattice,StdGen) -> IO ()
dummy (l,rng) = do
    putStr "."

-- Creates a random lattice and performs five sweeps.
main = do
    let lrngs = iterate doSweep $ initLattice 2
    mapM_ dummy $ take 1000 lrngs
like image 432
Martin Ueding Avatar asked Dec 13 '22 20:12

Martin Ueding

1 Answers

You can always use Data.Vector.Unboxed, which is basically the same as std::vector. It has very fast random access, however it doesn't really allow purely-functional updates. You can still do such updates by working in the ST monad, and indeed that's probably the solution that would give you the best performance, but it's not really Haskell-idiomatic.

Better: use a functional structure that allows both lookup and update and log(n)-ish time; this is typical for tree-based structures. IntMap should work pretty well.

I wouldn't recommend that either though. Generally, in Haskell you want to avoid juggling any indices at all. As you say, algorithms like Metropolis are actually based on a stencil. The operation on each spin shouldn't ever need to see more than its direct neighbours, so it's best to structure your program accordingly.

Even on a simple list, it's easy to achieve efficient access to the direct neighbours: implement

neighboursInList :: [a] -> [(a, (Maybe a, Maybe a))]

the actual algorithm is then just a map over these local-environments.

For the periodic case, you should actually make it something like

data Lattice a = Lattice
     { latticeNodes :: [a]
     , latticeLength :: Int }
   deriving (Functor)

data NodeInLattice a = NodeInLattice
     { thisNode :: a
     , xPrev, xNext, yPrev, yNext :: a }
   deriving (Functor)

neighboursInLattice :: Lattice a -> Lattice (NodeInLattice a)

Such an approach has many advantages:

  • Impossible to make indexing mistakes.
  • You don't rely on fast random-access.
  • It can be well parallelised. For instance, the repa library has stencil support built in. And all code that runs on supercomputers must use something like that, because accessing random elements that lie on another node in the cluster is way, way slower than accessing the processor's own node memory.

To pure-functionally update a vector, you need to make a complete copy.

like image 162
leftaroundabout Avatar answered Dec 20 '22 21:12
