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How to improve performance of ConcurrentDictionary.Count in C#

Recently, I needed to choose between using SortedDictionary and SortedList, and settled on SortedList.

However, now I discovered that my C# program is slowing to a crawl when performing SortedList.Count, which I check using a function/method called thousands of times.

Usually my program would call the function 10,000 times within 35 ms, but while using SortedList.Count, it slowed to 300-400 ms, basically 10x slower.

I also tried SortedList.Keys.Count, but this reduced my performance another 10 times, to over 3000 ms.

I have only ~5000 keys/objects in SortedList<DateTime, object_name>. I can easily and instantly retrieve data from my sorted list by SortedList[date] (in 35 ms), so I haven't found any problem with the list structure or objects its holding.

Is this performance normal?

What else can I use to obtain the number of records in the list, or just to check that the list is populated? (besides adding a separate tracking flag, which I may do for now)

CORRECTION: Sorry, I'm actually using: ConcurrentDictionary<string, SortedList<DateTime, string>> dict_list = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, SortedList<DateTime, string>>(); And I had various counts in various places, sometimes checking items in the list and other times in ConcurrentDicitonary. So the issue applies to ConcurrentDicitonary and I wrote quick test code to confirm this, which takes 350 ms, without using concurrency. Here is the test with ConcurrentDicitonary, showing 350 ms:

public static void CountTest()
    //Create test ConcurrentDictionary
    ConcurrentDictionary<int, string> test_dict = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, string>();
    for (int i = 0; i < 50000; i++)
        test_dict[i] = "ABC";

    //Access .Count property 10,000 times
    int tick_count = Environment.TickCount;
    for (int i = 1; i <= 10000; i++)
        int dict_count = test_dict.Count;

    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Time: {0} ms", Environment.TickCount - tick_count));
like image 847
Kon Rad Avatar asked Dec 15 '22 01:12

Kon Rad

1 Answers

this article recommends calling this instead:


The count could be invalid as soon as the call from the method returns. If you want to write the count to a log for tracing purposes, for example, you can use alternative methods, such as the lock-free enumerator

like image 130
Omu Avatar answered Dec 17 '22 00:12
