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Rails: Preserving GET query string parameters in link_to

I have a typical search facility in my app which returns a list of results that can be paginated, sorted, viewed with a different records_per_page value, etc. Each of these options is controlled by parameters in the query string. A simplified example:


Now say I need to display a set of links that set records_per_page value to 10, 20, 30. Each link must include the existing query parameters, which can be a very long set, plus a new per_page parameter.

/search?q=test&page=2& ... &per_page=10 /search?q=test&page=2& ... &per_page=20 /search?q=test&page=2& ... &per_page=30 

Is there an easy way to do it with just link_to helper or I need to parse and reproduce the query string from previous request somehow?

like image 874
Vincent Avatar asked Sep 21 '10 16:09


1 Answers

link_to 'Link', request.query_parameters.merge({:per_page => 20}) 
like image 104
Vincent Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09
