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How to define boolean field for a rails migration

I want to add a boolean value field ("is_public") to the table "my_model". Currently I can use this:

class AddPublicToDream < ActiveRecord::Migration   def self.up     add_column :my_model, :is_public, :string   end    def self.down     remove_column :my_model, :is_public, :string   end  end 

Then I can assign "true" or "false" to mymodel.is_public in controllers.

Can I substitute :string with :boolean to achieve the same effect? Would it save some database space comparing to :string?

like image 488
lkahtz Avatar asked Feb 04 '11 08:02


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1 Answers

Yes, you can use :boolean for this, and yes it will also save database space.

like image 68
sevenseacat Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 17:09
