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Rails: Ignoring non-existant attributes passed to create()

I have the following Rails model:

class CreateFoo < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def self.up
    create_table :foo do |t|
      t.string :a
      t.string :b
      t.string :c

  def self.down
    drop_table :foo

If I try and create a new record with an additional non-existent attribute, this produces an error:

Foo.create(a: 'some', b: 'string', c: 'foo', d: 'bar')
ActiveRecord::UnknownAttributeError: unknown attribute: d

Is there a way I can get create() to ignore attributes that don't exist in the model? Alternatively, what is the best way to remove non-existent attributes prior to creating the new record?

Many thanks

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gjb Avatar asked Nov 08 '10 21:11


5 Answers

Trying to think of a potentially more efficient way, but for now:

hash = { :a => 'some', :b => 'string', :c => 'foo', :d => 'bar' }
@something = Something.new
@something.attributes = hash.reject{|k,v| [email protected]?(k.to_s) }
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jenjenut233 Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 15:11


I use this frequently (simplified):

params.select!{|x| Model.attribute_names.index(x)}
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user1919149 Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 14:11


I just had this exact problem upgrading to Rails 3.2, when I set:

config.active_record.mass_assignment_sanitizer = :strict

It caused some of my create! calls to fail, since fields that were previously ignored are now causing mass assignment errors. I worked around it by faking the fields in the model as follows:

attr_accessor   :field_to_exclude
attr_accessible :field_to_exclude
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Amir Rubin Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 13:11

Amir Rubin

Re: Is there a way I can get create() to ignore attributes that don't exist in the model? -- No, and this is by design.

You can create an attr_setter that will be used by create --

attr_setter :a # will silently absorb additional parameter 'a' from the form.

Re: Alternatively, what is the best way to remove non-existent attributes prior to creating the new record?

You can remove them explicitly:

params[:Foo].delete(:a) # delete the extra param :a

But the best is to not put them there in the first place. Modify your form to omit them.


Given the updated info (incoming data), I think I'd create a new hash:

  Foo.create {:a => rec['a'], :b => rec['b'], :c => rec['c']} # create new
                                                              # rec from specific
                                                              # fields

Added more

# Another way:
keepers = ['a', 'b', 'c'] # fields used by the Foo class.

  Foo.create rec.delete_if{|key, value| !keepers.include?(key)} # create new rec
}                                                               # from kept
                                                                # fields
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Larry K Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 14:11

Larry K

I came up with a solution that looks like this, you might find it helpful:

def self.create_from_hash(hash)
  hash.select! {|k, v| self.column_names.include? k }

This was an ideal solution for me, because in my case hash was coming from an ideal data source which mirrored my schema (except there were additional fields).

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CambridgeMike Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 15:11
