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Using helpers in rails 3 to output html

I'm trying my best to build a helper that outputs a <'ul> consisting of all the members of a collection. For each member of the collection I want to print out a <'li> that has a title, and a div of links to CRUD the member. This is pretty similar to what Rails outputs for scaffolding for the index view.

Here is the helper I've got:

def display_all(collection_sym)
  collection = collection_sym.to_s.capitalize.singularize.constantize.all

  name = collection_sym.to_s.downcase

  html = '' 

  html << "<ul class=\"#{name}-list\">"

  for member in collection do
    html << content_tag(:li, :id => member.title.gsub(' ', '-').downcase.strip) do
     concat content_tag(:h1, member.title, :class => "#{name}-title")
     concat link_to 'Edit', "/#{name}/#{member.id}/edit"
     concat "\|"
     concat link_to 'View', "/#{name}/#{member.id}"
     concat "\|"
     concat button_to 'Delete', "/#{name}/#{member.id}", :confirm => 'Are you sure?  This cannot be undone.', :method => :delete

   html << '</ul>'

 return html

And that output exactly what I want. First of all, if anybody thinks there's a better way to do this, please feel free to correct me, I suspect that I'm doing this in a bass ackwards way, but at the moment its the only way I know how.

I then attempted to wrap the links in a div as follows:

def display_all(collection_sym)
  collection = collection_sym.to_s.capitalize.singularize.constantize.all

  name = collection_sym.to_s.downcase

  html = '' 

  html << "<ul class=\"#{name}-list\">"

  for member in collection do
     html << content_tag(:li, :id => member.title.gsub(' ', '-').downcase.strip) do
     concat content_tag(:h1, member.title, :class => "#{name}-title")
     concat content_tag(:div, :class => "links-bar") do
       concat link_to 'Edit', "/#{name}/#{member.id}/edit"
       concat "\|"
       concat link_to 'View', "/#{name}/#{member.id}"
       concat "\|"
       concat button_to 'Delete', "/#{name}/#{member.id}", :confirm => 'Are you sure?  This cannot be undone.', :method => :delete

 html << '</ul>'

 return html

However, I now no longer get any of the markup inside the div.links-bar output to the view. I'm sure this must have something to do with block and bindings, but I can for the life of me figure out what or how to go about fixing it. Can anybody offer any help?

like image 575
TheDelChop Avatar asked Aug 24 '10 21:08


2 Answers

I agree with the comment above recommending the use of a partial... but if you DID need to do this in a helper, this is a cleaner way to implement:

def display_all(collection)
  content_tag(:ul, class: "list") do
    collection.collect do |member|
      concat(content_tag(:li, id: member.name.gsub(' ', '-').downcase.strip) do

I'd pass in a collection explicitly rather than passing in a symbol to create a collection so you aren't always required to display ALL the records in a particular table at once. You could add pagination, etc.

like image 183
Dave Pirotte Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 12:09

Dave Pirotte

@Joe, You can still use your method display_all(collection_sym) Just use: return html.html_safe instead of: return html

I still find that in many situations, it is better to generate HTML from helpers, instead of using partials. So the html_safe function in Rails 3 will make sure that you generate HTML, instead of converting it to String.

like image 42
Linh Chau Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 13:09

Linh Chau