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How to avoid NoMethodError for missing elements in nested hashes, without repeated nil checks?

I'm looking for a good way to avoid checking for nil at each level in deeply nested hashes. For example:

name = params[:company][:owner][:name] if params[:company] && params[:company][:owner] && params[:company][:owner][:name] 

This requires three checks, and makes for very ugly code. Any way to get around this?

like image 989
Kevin Sylvestre Avatar asked Dec 06 '10 22:12

Kevin Sylvestre

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1 Answers

Ruby 2.3.0 introduced a new method called dig on both Hash and Array that solves this problem entirely.

name = params.dig(:company, :owner, :name) 

It returns nil if the key is missing at any level.

If you are using a version of Ruby older than 2.3, you can use the ruby_dig gem or implement it yourself:

module RubyDig   def dig(key, *rest)     if value = (self[key] rescue nil)       if rest.empty?         value       elsif value.respond_to?(:dig)         value.dig(*rest)       end     end   end end  if RUBY_VERSION < '2.3'   Array.send(:include, RubyDig)   Hash.send(:include, RubyDig) end 
like image 176
user513951 Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09
