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rails get app root/base url

In my app I have a few APIs that under api domain. Now in one of the API I want to generate a url that pointing to the main domain, say


I tried to use url_for but seems the default root_url or request.host is in api domain. Url_for will make it to be


while I want it to be


Url_for can take a parameter

host: ...

to set it to be test.com/, the question is how can I get the root/base url (test.com) for host? root_url or request.host are all api.test.com.

Any ideas? Thanks.

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Bruce Xinda Lin Avatar asked Jan 23 '14 23:01

Bruce Xinda Lin

3 Answers

Just so that it's useful to someone else , i came across this today


gives the full path in local as well as on live .


gives just the domain name so it sometimes kinda breaks the link while redirecting

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Caffeine Coder Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 12:10

Caffeine Coder

According to this you can do request.domain

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Tom Prats Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 12:10

Tom Prats

Simplest alternative method:

include in you're class

include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers

create function or just use root_url to get app root/base url:

  def add_host_prefix(url)
    URI.join(root_url, url).to_s

finally: add

Rails.application.routes.default_url_options[:host] = 'localhost:3000'



although helpers can be accessible only in views but this is working solution.

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Kaleem Ullah Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 14:10

Kaleem Ullah