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Rails 3 : route a resource to another name

I have a CRUD controller for a model.

Doing resources :foo allows me to route on /foo/:id, etc. for calling actions.

I want add a route for a translation of 'foo' in another language. Let's say 'toto'. So I want all the /toto/:id, etc., routes to act exactly like the /foo/:id, etc., routes.

How may I achieve that?

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glmxndr Avatar asked Sep 09 '10 08:09


3 Answers

You can add a new resource and specify foo as the controller:

resources :toto, :controller=>"foo"

This will point all the actions to "foo", but there is a gotcha. I think you will run into problems with the links on the page, if you are using foo_url or something like that. So you would have to figure out a way to create the URLs dymanically based on the controller in "request.path".

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johnmcaliley Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 20:11


This will let you rename paths seen by the user but keep the original name of your controllers in the code:

scope(:path_names => { :new => "neu", :edit => "bearbeiten" }) do
  resources :categories, :path => "kategorien"

From the Ruby on Rails Guides

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fiskeben Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 21:11


If I understand you correctly, you want to just use another path.

resources :foo, path: 'toto'

Now you will have:

GET /toto          foo#index
GET /toto/:id      foo#show
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ddavison Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 20:11
