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Is it possible to bind a [routerLink] to a div? Angular 2+

I am new to Angular and I have found no clear answers on this subject no matter what I search for.

This is currently working:

<div class="col-sm" (click)="brandListRoute()"> 

which directs to this function in my component:

brandListRoute() {         this.router.navigate(['explore/brands']); } 

So this works perfectly, however when I first tried binding [routerLink] like this:

<div [routerLink]="['explore/brands']">  </div> 

I can click on the div but nothing happens. So my question is, does a [routerLink] only work on things like anchor tags and buttons or is my above logic flawed?

Need to find the best solution for my problem. Thanks so much in advance!

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Daniel Bailey Avatar asked Aug 31 '18 11:08

Daniel Bailey

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In Angular, RouterLink is a directive for navigating to a different route declaratively. Router. navigate and Router. navigateByURL are two methods available to the Router class to navigate imperatively in your component classes.

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Using Router linksAfter Angular v4 we can directly add a routerLink attribute on the anchor tag or button. Consider the following template, where routerLink attribute added to the anchor tag. The routerLink directive on the anchor tags give the router control over those elements.

1 Answers

Yes it can be attached to div tag, your route is probably wrong try add / in front of route.

<div [routerLink]="['/explore/brands']"> go to this location </div> 
like image 142
Nenad Radak Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09

Nenad Radak