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How would I have ui-router go to an external link, such as google.com?

For example:

            .state('external', {
                url: 'http://www.google.com',


url assumes that this is an internal state. I want it to be like href or something to that effect.

I have a navigation structure that will build from the ui-routes and I have a need for a link to go to an external link. Not necessarily just google, that's only an example.

Not looking for it in a link or as $state.href('http://www.google.com'). Need it declaratively in the routes config.

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Shane Avatar asked May 13 '15 16:05


5 Answers

Angular-ui-router doesn't support external URL, you need redirect the user using either $location.url() or $window.open()

I would suggest you to use $window.open('http://www.google.com', '_self') which will open URL on the same page.


You can also customize ui-router by adding parameter external, it can be true/false.

  .state('external', {
       url: 'http://www.google.com',
       external: true

Then configure $stateChangeStart in your state & handle redirection part there.

Run Block

myapp.run(function($rootScope, $window) {
    function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
      if (toState.external) {
        $window.open(toState.url, '_self');

Sample Plunkr

Note: Open Plunkr in a new window in order to make it working, because google doesn't get open in iFrame due to some security reason.

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Pankaj Parkar Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 16:10

Pankaj Parkar

You could use the onEnter callback:

    .state('external', {
        onEnter: function($window) {
            $window.open('http://www.google.com', '_self');


Building on pankajparkar's answer, as I said I think you should avoid overriding an existing param name. ui-router put a great deal of effort to distinguish between states and url, so using both url and externalUrl could make sense...

So, I would implement an externalUrl param like so:

myApp.run(function($rootScope, $window) {
        function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
            if (toState.externalUrl) {
                $window.open(toState.externalUrl, '_self');

And use it like so, with or without internal url:

$stateProvider.state('external', {
    // option url for sref
    // url: '/to-google',
    externalUrl: 'http://www.google.com'
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rixo Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 16:10


As mentioned in angular.js link behaviour - disable deep linking for specific URLs you need just to use

<a href="newlink" target="_self">link to external</a>

this will disable angularJS routing on a specific desired link.

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Ebrahim Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 17:10


I transformed the accepted answer into one that assumes the latest version of AngularJS (currently 1.6), ui-router 1.x, Webpack 2 with Babel transpilation and the ng-annotate plugin for Babel.

.run(($transitions, $window) => {
    to: (state) => state.external === true && state.url
  }, ($transition) => {
    const to = $transition.to()
    $window.open(to.url, to.target || '_self')
    return false

And here's how the state may be configured:

.config(($stateProvider) => {
      name: 'there',
      external: true,
      target: '_blank'


<a ui-sref="there">To Google</a>
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Christiaan Westerbeek Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 18:10

Christiaan Westerbeek

The original answer is deprecated and disabled by default in UI Router, you may wish to explore implementing it using transition hooks

  .state("mystate", {
    externalUrl: 'https://google.com'


myApp.run(['$transitions', '$window', ($transitions, $window) => {
  $transitions.onEnter({}, function (transition) {
    const toState = transition.to();

    if (toState.externalUrl) {
      $window.open(toState.externalUrl, '_self');
      return false;
    return true;
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vogomatix Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 17:10
