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R: replace NA with item from vector

I am trying to replace some missing values in my data with the average values from a similar group.

My data looks like this:

   X   Y
1  x   y
2  x   y
3  NA  y
4  x   y

And I want it to look like this:

  X   Y
1  x   y
2  x   y
3  y   y
4  x   y

I wrote this, and it worked

for(i in 1:nrow(data.frame){
   if( is.na(data.frame$X[i]) == TRUE){
       data.frame$X[i] <- data.frame$Y[i]

But my data.frame is almost half a million lines long, and the for/if statements are pretty slow. What I want is something like

is.na(data.frame$X) <- data.frame$Y

But this gets a mismatched size error. It seems like there should be a command that does this, but I cannot find it here on SO or on the R help list. Any ideas?

like image 645
gregmacfarlane Avatar asked Jul 13 '11 19:07


People also ask

How do I replace the NA with values in R?

You can replace NA values with zero(0) on numeric columns of R data frame by using is.na() , replace() , imputeTS::replace() , dplyr::coalesce() , dplyr::mutate_at() , dplyr::mutate_if() , and tidyr::replace_na() functions.

How do I get R to ignore na?

First, if we want to exclude missing values from mathematical operations use the na. rm = TRUE argument. If you do not exclude these values most functions will return an NA . We may also desire to subset our data to obtain complete observations, those observations (rows) in our data that contain no missing data.

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Replace the Elements of a Vector in R Programming – replace() Function. replace() function in R Language is used to replace the values in the specified string vector x with indices given in list by those given in values.

1 Answers

ifelse is your friend.

Using Dirk's dataset

df <- within(df, X <- ifelse(is.na(X), Y, X))
like image 198
Richie Cotton Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

Richie Cotton